
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

Corresponding Author

Divya Taneja


Integrative medicine, Homoeopathy, COVID-19, Intra-AYUSH, Homoeopathic industry, Public health, World Homoeopathy Day

Article Type

Conference Report


Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy organized a scientific convention on the World Homoeopathy Day on 10th and 11thApril, 2021 to commemorate the 266th birth anniversary of Dr Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India. The theme of the conference was ‘Homoeopathy – Roadmap for Integrative Medicine’. There were oral presentations and a panel discussion during the convention organized in the hybrid mode, with participants and presenters attending the convention either physically, or remotely through video link. Recommendations to develop a roadmap for Homoeopathy for integrative care were also proposed during the convention. Integration is not simply co-location of all systems but a wholesome clinical approach for the public health benefit where systems have known limitations. Specific strategic actions are needed at research, practice and education levels to promote integrative care with Homoeopathy as a key contributor.

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Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy








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